Controls Framework

HVAC control systems instruct your HVAC unit what to do, whether that's making your space warmer or cooler, changing the speed that air is circulated, etc. These systems interface with many different things in order to get your space to how you like it, including both the HVAC equipment itself and the person dialing in their settings. At Economy, diagnosing issues in your controls is just one of our specialties. Our decades of experience with handling all sorts of HVAC control systems means we can handle installing the most complicated HVAC systems or any repairs with ease.

How well your HVAC system works, and how long it continues working, greatly depends on the installers. At Economy, we have more experience installing control systems than the vast majority of our competitors. No matter how difficult or unorthodox your project may be, we promise to get it done right. We make it our mission to ensure everything is installed properly the first time, and that it continues working for many years to come.

Web-based User Interface - No Software Required

Manage and control any of the below systems remotely from a convenient web-based user interface. You access your control panel from a secure website, allowing for easy off-site management. This allows you to manage multiple sites efficiently without being physically present on each site.

  • HVAC
  • Energy Management
  • Industrial process
  • Lighting control
  • Card Access
  • Security


Controls Service

Every building's heating and cooling system is unique, at Economy we have the experience needed to keep your entire HVAC system running smoothly.

Our control system division was founded 38 years ago, which has allowed us to expand our capabilities further and better serve you. In today's technologically-diverse world, you need a multitude of different qualified contractors, all well-versed in their own area of the business - and this is especially true for control systems.

We have a number of highly-trained control system technicians on hand, each one an expert in one or more specific brands or setups. This means less downtime for your system, and that the job gets done right the first time - and at a fair price.

In the world of control systems, your needs can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, including your system's brand, its scale, the nature of your building, etc. While we'd love it if we could magically replace your current control system with an unbreakable, state-of-the-art system, we understand that replacing your control system outright may not be an option.

We offer to service, program, design, and install Honeywell WEBS N4.  If you have a different brand of control system already installed, it is possible we can still maintain and service that system as well. We have in the past serviced Trane Tracer Summit, AndoverCarrierRobert ShawKreuter and Powers control systems. However, this would be much older systems. Today’s  


Remote monitoring services on applicable systems. 

We can manage your alarms and be on top of system failures.

  • Seek better energy performance and make continued modifications.
  • maintain all updates.
  • Immediate response to temperature issues.
  • 24-hour service and response to critical alarms.

At Economy, we believe in teaching you how to best operate your own control system, and showing you how to keep your system running for the long-term. Where other companies might give you limited control, we provide your options. You own it you should shave full access. 

We can even upgrade your building's security systems while we upgrade your HVAC. We can install security cameras and card access throughout your property while we service your heating and cooling, integrating it into your building's new control system seamlessly. Monitoring your building through CCTV will be easier and more intuitive than ever.

Additionally, thanks to our modern systems, the HVAC systems we install are more user-friendly than ever. Intuitive, easy to use, quick to learn and master, modern control systems from brands like Honeywell will allow confusion-free operation of your new control system. With these systems' built-in smart programs, you'll be able to save on power and enjoy more energy-efficient heating and cooling, saving you considerable money in the long term.

Control systems can be confusing, frustrating, or even prone to failure in examples of older systems. But at Economy, we strive to Simplify the interface as much as possible and at the same time provide you with the tools you need to be successful.


Honeywell WEBS

Honeywell Enterprise Security
